Implemented models
- class mneflow.models.LFCNN(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
LF-CNN. Includes basic parameter interpretation options.
For details see [1]. .. rubric:: References
[1] I. Zubarev, et al., Adaptive neural network classifier for decoding MEG signals. Neuroimage. (2019) May 4;197:425-434
- __init__(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
Dataset (mneflow.Dataset) –
specs (dict) – dictionary of model hyperparameters {
n_latent (int) – Number of latent components. Defaults to 32.
nonlin (callable) – Activation function of the temporal convolution layer. Defaults to tf.nn.relu
filter_length (int) – Length of spatio-temporal kernels in the temporal convolution layer. Defaults to 7.
pooling (int) – Pooling factor of the max pooling layer. Defaults to 2
pool_type (str {'avg', 'max'}) – Type of pooling operation. Defaults to ‘max’.
padding (str {'SAME', 'FULL', 'VALID'}) – Convolution padding. Defaults to ‘SAME’.}
stride (int) –
1. (Stride of the max pooling layer. Defaults to) –
- backprop_covxy(X, Hx, Sx, w)
- backprop_fc(X, y_hat, y, w)
X - [i,…,m] y - [i,…,j] w - [k,…,j] Sx - [k,…,mj]
- build_encoder()
Build computational graph for an interpretable Generator
- Returns:
y_pred – Output of the forward pass of the computational graph. Prediction of the target variable.
- Return type:
- build_graph()
Build computational graph using defined placeholder self.X as input.
- Returns:
y_pred – Output of the forward pass of the computational graph. Prediction of the target variable.
- Return type:
- collect_patterns(fold=0, n_folds=1, n_comp=1, methods=['weight', 'compwise_loss', 'weight_norm', 'output_corr'])
Compute and store patterns during cross-validation.
- compute_componentwise_loss(X, y, weights)
Compute component relevances by recursive elimination
- compute_enc_patterns(inputs=None)
- compute_patterns(data_path=None, verbose=False)
Computes spatial patterns from filter weights. Required for visualization.
- Parameters:
data_path (str or list of str) – Path to TFRecord files on which the patterns are estimated.
output (str {'patterns, 'filters', 'full_patterns'}) –
String specifying the output.
’filters’ - extracts weights of the spatial filters
’patterns’ - extracts activation patterns, obtained by left-multipying the spatial filter weights by the (spatial) data covariance.
’full-patterns’ - additionally multiplies activation patterns by the precision (inverse covariance) of the latent sources
- Returns:
self.patterns – spatial filters or activation patterns, depending on the value of ‘output’ parameter.
self.lat_tcs – time courses of latent sourses.
self.filters – temporal convolutional filter coefficients.
self.out_weights – weights of the output layer.
self.rfocs – feature relevances for the output layer. (See self.get_output_correlations)
——- – AttributeError: If data_path is not specified.
- explore_components(patterns_struct, sorting='output_corr', integrate='max', info=None, sensor_layout='Vectorview-grad', class_names=None)
Plots the weights of the output layer.
- Parameters:
pat (int [0, self.specs['n_latent'])) – Index of the latent component to higlight
t (int [0, self.h_params['n_t'])) – Index of timepoint to highlight
- Returns:
Imshow [n_latent, y_shape]
- Return type:
- get_config()
- get_output_correlations(activations, y_true)
Computes a similarity metric between each of the extracted features and the target variable.
The metric is a Manhattan distance for dicrete targets, and Spearman correlation for continuous targets.
- get_spectra(weights, activations, nfft=128)
- get_weights(verbose=False)
- make_fake_evoked(topos, sensor_layout)
- patterns_cov_xx(y, weights, activations, dcov)
X - [i,…,m] y - [i,…,j] - used for cov[y] w - [k,…,j] Sx - [k,…,mj]
- patterns_cov_xy_hat(X, y, activations, weights)
- patterns_pinv_w(y, weights, activations, dcov)
- patterns_wfc_mean(y, weights, activations, dcov)
- plot_combined_pattern(method='combined', sensor_layout=None, names=None, n_comp=1, plot_true_evoked=False, savefig=None)
- plot_evoked_peaks(data=None, t=None, class_subset=None, sensor_layout='Vectorview-mag', title=None, savefig=None)
Plot one spatial topography of class-conditional average of the input. If timepoint is not specified it is picked as a maximum RMS for each class.
- Parameters:
topos (np.array) – [n_ch, n_t, n_classes]
sensor_layout (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘Vectorview-mag’.
- plot_topos(topos, sensor_layout='Vectorview-mag', class_subset=None, title='Class %g')
Plot any spatial distribution in the sensor space. TODO: Interpolation??
- Parameters:
topos (np.array) – [n_ch, n_classes, …]
sensor_layout (TYPE, optional) – DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘Vectorview-mag’.
class_subset (np.array, optional) –
- Return type:
- plot_waveforms(patterns_struct, sorting='compwise_loss', tmin=0, class_names=None, bp_filter=False, tlim=None, apply_kernels=False)
Plots timecourses of latent components.
- Parameters:
tmin (float) – Beginning of the MEG epoch with regard to reference event. Defaults to 0.
- sortingstr
heuristic for selecting relevant components. See LFCNN._sorting
- single_component_pattern(patterns_struct, sorting='compwise_loss', n_comp=1)
Pick single component according to sorting method. Multiply spatial filter by data covariance
- train_encoder(n_epochs, eval_step=None, min_delta=1e-06, early_stopping=3, collect_patterns=False)
- class mneflow.models.VARCNN(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
For details see [1].
[1] I. Zubarev, et al., Adaptive neural network classifier for decoding MEG signals. Neuroimage. (2019) May 4;197:425-434
- __init__(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
Dataset (mneflow.Dataset) –
specs (dict) – dictionary of model hyperparameters {
n_latent (int) – Number of latent components. Defaults to 32.
nonlin (callable) – Activation function of the temporal convolution layer. Defaults to tf.nn.relu
filter_length (int) – Length of spatio-temporal kernels in the temporal convolution layer. Defaults to 7.
pooling (int) – Pooling factor of the max pooling layer. Defaults to 2
pool_type (str {'avg', 'max'}) – Type of pooling operation. Defaults to ‘max’.
padding (str {'SAME', 'FULL', 'VALID'}) – Convolution padding. Defaults to ‘SAME’.}
- build_graph()
Build computational graph using defined placeholder self.X as input.
- Returns:
y_pred – Output of the forward pass of the computational graph. Prediction of the target variable.
- Return type:
- class mneflow.models.EEGNet(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
specs (dict) –
- n_latentint
Number of (temporal) convolution kernrels in the first layer. Defaults to 8
- filter_lengthint
Length of temporal filters in the first layer. Defaults to 32
- strideint
Stride of the average polling layers. Defaults to 4.
- poolingint
Pooling factor of the average polling layers. Defaults to 4.
- dropoutfloat
Dropout coefficient.
[3] V.J. Lawhern, et al., EEGNet: A compact convolutional neural network for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces 10 J. Neural Eng., 15 (5) (2018), p. 056013
[4] Original EEGNet implementation by the authors can be found at
- __init__(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
Dataset (mneflow.Dataset) – Dataset object.
specs (dict) – Dictionary of model-specific hyperparameters. Must include at least model_path - path for saving a trained model See Model subclass definitions for details. Unless otherwise specified uses default hyperparameters for each implemented model.
- build_graph()
Build computational graph using defined placeholder self.X as input.
Can be overriden in a sub-class for customized architecture.
- Returns:
y_pred – Output of the forward pass of the computational graph. Prediction of the target variable.
- Return type:
- class mneflow.models.FBCSP_ShallowNet(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
Shallow ConvNet model from [2a]. .. rubric:: References
[2a]Schirrmeister, R. T., Springenberg, J. T., Fiederer, L. D. J., Glasstetter, M., Eggensperger, K., Tangermann, M., Hutter, F. & Ball, T. (2017). Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for EEG decoding and visualization. Human Brain Mapping , Aug. 2017. Online:
- __init__(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
Dataset (mneflow.Dataset) – Dataset object.
specs (dict) – Dictionary of model-specific hyperparameters. Must include at least model_path - path for saving a trained model See Model subclass definitions for details. Unless otherwise specified uses default hyperparameters for each implemented model.
- build_graph()
Temporal conv_1 25 10x1 kernels
- class mneflow.models.Deep4(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
Deep ConvNet model from [2b]. .. rubric:: References
[2b]Schirrmeister, R. T., Springenberg, J. T., Fiederer, L. D. J., Glasstetter, M., Eggensperger, K., Tangermann, M., Hutter, F. & Ball, T. (2017). Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for EEG decoding and visualization. Human Brain Mapping , Aug. 2017. Online:
- __init__(meta, dataset=None, specs_prefix=False)
- Parameters:
Dataset (mneflow.Dataset) – Dataset object.
specs (dict) – Dictionary of model-specific hyperparameters. Must include at least model_path - path for saving a trained model See Model subclass definitions for details. Unless otherwise specified uses default hyperparameters for each implemented model.
- build_graph()
Build computational graph using defined placeholder self.X as input.
Can be overriden in a sub-class for customized architecture.
- Returns:
y_pred – Output of the forward pass of the computational graph. Prediction of the target variable.
- Return type: